Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol | School Development Plan
Trosolwg o Flaenoriaethau CDY 2024-2025 |
Blaenoriaeth 1 : Addasu a datblygu ein cynllunio ii wella medrau datrys problemau disgyblion wrth gymhwyso a chysylltu’r 5 hyfedredd mewn amrywiaeth o gyd-destunau bywyd go iawn ar draws y cwricwlwm. |
Blaenoriaeth 2 : Datblygu system ddigidol sy’n olrhain cynnydd disgyblion, gan alluogi athrawon i addasu eu haddysgu i gefnogi a herio’r holl ddisgyblion yn briodol. |
Blaenoriaeth 3 : Cefnogi disgyblion i wella eu Cymreictod mewn sefyllfaoedd anffurfiol. |
Blaenoriaeth 4 : Datblygu rolau ac effeithiolrwydd arweinwyr ar bob lefel i sicrhau gwelliant ar draws y Ffederasiwn. |
Blaenoriaeth 5 : Mireinio cynllunio i sicrhau bod disgyblion yn gwneud cynnydd cadarn yn eu medrau digidol. |
Overview of SDP Priorities 2024-2025 |
Priority 1: Adapt and develop our planning to improve pupils’ problem solving skills when applying and connecting the 5 skills in a variety of real life contexts across the curriculum. |
Priority 2: Develop a digital system that tracks pupils’ progress, enabling teachers to adapt their teaching to support and challenge all pupils appropriately. |
Priority 3 : Supporting pupils to improve theiruse of Welsh in informal situations. |
Priority 4 : Develop the roles and effectiveness of leaders at all levels to ensure improvement across the Federation. |
Priority 5: Refine planning to ensure that pupils make solid progress in their digital skills. |