Gweledigaeth | Vision

Gweledigaeth a Datganiad Cenhadaeth

“Ein nod yw arwain, annog a meithrin sgiliau gan ddarparu profiadau mewn awyrgylch hapus a gofalgar lle gall yr holl ddysgwyr gael eu cefnogi, eu hysgogi a’u herio i gyrraedd eu llawn botensial.”

Amcanion Cyffredinol Ysgol Bro Brynach

  1. Prif nod ein hysgol yw sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn hapus yma a bod pob disgybl yn cyflawni ei botensial yn ddeallusol, yn gorfforol, yn emosiynol ac yn gymdeithasol. 
  2. Helpu’r disgyblion i ddatblygu meddyliau bywiog, ymchwilgar, gyda’r gallu i gwestiynu a thrafod yn rhesymegol.
  3. Datblygu diddordeb, gwybodaeth a sgiliau disgyblion mewn Llythrennedd, Rhifedd, Technoleg Gwybodaeth ac yn y byd o’u cwmpas.
  4. Dysgu’r disgyblion i weithio gyda’i gilydd a chreu goddefgarwch ym mhob plentyn tuag at eraill waeth beth fo’u cefndir, eu lliw a’u cred.
  5. Creu ymwybyddiaeth a gwerthfawrogiad o’r amgylchedd, iaith, diwylliant ac ardal a sicrhau bod etifeddiaeth Gymraeg yn cael ei chyflwyno i bob plentyn.
  6. Rhoi dealltwriaeth i blant o werthoedd moesol.
  7. Creu ymwybyddiaeth yn y plentyn o’r angen am hylendid personol,diet iach, cwrteisi a cheisio meithrin hunan-barch at eraill a datblygu agweddau a gwerthoedd cryf.
  8. Dysgu’r disgyblion am y Beibl a’r credoau Cristnogol wrth ystyried yr holl brif grefyddau a gynrychiolir yng Nghymru.
  9. Gweithio’n agos gyda’r rhieni a’r gymuned er budd y plentyn.
  10. Sicrhau bod pob disgybl yn cymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau corfforol a chreadigol er mwyn datblygu doniau a sgiliau unigol.

Vision and Mission Statement

“Our aim is to lead, encourage and nurture skills providing experiences in a happy and caring atmosphere where all learners can be supported, stimulated and challenged to reach their full potential.”

General Aims of Ysgol Bro Brynach

  1. Ensure every pupil is happy and every pupil reaches their intellectual, physical, emotional, and social potential.
  2. Help pupils develop lively, inquisitive minds with the ability to question and reason logically.
  3. Foster pupils’ interest, knowledge, and skills in literacy, numeracy, information technology, and their surroundings.
  4. Teach pupils to work collaboratively and cultivate tolerance toward others, regardless of background, color, or belief.
  5. Create awareness and appreciation of the environment, language, culture, and local area, and ensure the Welsh heritage is introduced to every pupil.
  6. Impart an understanding of moral values to pupils.
  7. Raise awareness in children of the need for personal hygiene, a healthy diet, courtesy, and strive to develop self-respect for others and strong attitudes and values.
  8. Teach pupils about the Bible and Christian beliefs while considering all major religions represented in Wales.
  9. Work closely with parents and the community for the benefit of the pupil.
  10. Ensure every pupil participates in a variety of physical and creative activities to develop individual talents and skills.