Years 3 & 4 - Gronw

Welcome to Gronw

Gronw class is taught by Mrs Newman and it’s the home of pupils in years 3 & 4.

Our theme for this term is: I Can See:

Class Timetable:

9:00 – 9:30 – Reading Carousel

9:30-10:30 – Mathematics

10:30-10:50 – Break

10:50 – 12:00 – Language (Welsh/English)

12:00 – 1:00 – Lunch

1:00 – 3:15 – Theme/Science/PE/Art or Design & Technology

Things to remember:

Coat, water bottle and reading file every day.

Wild Friday – suitable outdoor clothing and footwear required every Friday.

If any pupil would like to bring any resources/artefact relating to the theme into school, this is permitted.